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Standards and Best Practices organisation for open and FAIR neuroscience

  • Google Summer of Code (GSoC)
    INCF is a 2025 GSoC mentoring organization.
    Between 2016 and 2024, INCF paired 168 students with 231 mentors.
  • Standards and best practices
    INCF serves as a standards organization dedicated to
    open and FAIR neuroscience
  • Active collaboration
    In our Working Groups, users and developers
    work collaboratively to develop and refine community standards.
  • Join INCF!
    Be a part of the INCF community and benefit from
    collaboration opportunities, discounted events, and
    participate in discussions and decisions on
    global neuroinformatics strategy!
  • INCF Neuroinformatics Assembly
    The INCF Assembly is a unique venue where neuroscience standards developers,
    infrastructure providers, and software developers have the opportunity to
    interact with the research community to share the latest advancements
    in neuroinformatics.
  • Support INCF’s mission to push
    global neuroscience further and faster
    Your contribution enables us to provide open science resources and training
    activities to the global neuroscience community, ultimately accelerating the
    pace of scientific discovery.

A collaborative network for open, FAIR, and citable neuroscience

The mission of INCF is to promote the uptake of FAIR data management practices in neuroscience through the development of standards and best practices that support open, FAIR, and citable neuroscience. INCF also provides training on how standards and best practices facilitate reproducibility and enable the sharing of data and code.

INCF serves as a standards organization dedicated to open and FAIR neuroscience by vetting, endorsing, and promoting the use of community standards and best practices.

In our Working Groups, users and developers work collaboratively to develop community standards and best practices and implement them in tools, services, and infrastructure.

We provide solutions and guidance to help catalyze collaborations, build team capacity, and standardization efforts around neuroscience projects and tools.

We provide educational courses and forums on FAIR data management methods & supporting tools in neuroscience through online and in-person courses and workshops.

We develop and maintain curated portfolios for standards, software tools, and infrastructure to help you implement FAIR in your neuroscience research.

Our network has developed standards, tools, and infrastructures that enable data sharing, reuse, and reproducibility which have gained large-scale community adoption.

INCF & the community news


Here is a short video describing the purpose of the INCF network, our activities and, why you should get involved. Thanks to the INCF community members who have contributed towards developing this video. 

We hope you will watch and join our network!
Institutions affiliated with INCF
Number of HPC facilities
Researchers engaged in the network
Tools developed by the network
Standards and best practices endorsed
Data models shared within the network