Call for community review of the DAQCORD Guidelines
19 January 2021INCF is asking for your help to review the DAQCORD Guidelines to assess their value as a best practice.
The guidelines provide a framework for achieving high-quality data by providing a descriptive system for planning and reporting observational studies. Forty six indicators are provided that cover 5 dimensions: completeness, concordance, correctness, plausibility, and representation. While the guidelines were developed in the context of traumatic brain injury research, they are generalizable to other domains.
We are asking for your review as part of our process. This is to ensure that the best practice is both useful and practical to the community. This is your opportunity to weigh in on the benefits and drawbacks in order to improve the quality of the best practice.
Add your thoughts: bit.ly/DAQCORDreview
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7490/f1000research.1118466.1
Find out more about the DAQCORD Guidelines: bit.ly/DAQCORDinfo
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