INCF Working Group on Electrophysiology Stimulation Ontology
Tom Gillespie, UC San Diego
Join this working group
The Working Group is composed of electrophysiology representatives from the INCF network, Human Brain Project (HBP), Neurodata Without Borders (NWB) Core Development Team, and Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC), sharing use cases from the respective projects.The initial use cases are from intracellular electrophysiology, with good coverage over most typical ICEPhys protocols. This schema is also useful for other 1D signals over time that are used as stimuli. In addition, the ontology defines a specification for parameterizing the stimulus templates. This is a strategy for stimulus description that should eventually be easily extendable to 2D (i.e. visual) stimuli, which is another large class of stimuli that is common in NWB.
Bimonthly virtual meetings
Tom Gillespie, UC San Diego
Lydia Ng, Allen Institute
Pamela Baker, Allen Institute
Patrick Rey, Allen Institute
Andrew Davison, CNRS
Glynis Mattheisen, CNRS
Oliver Ruebel, LBL
Ben Dichter, LBL
Ulrike Schlegel, University of Oslo
Lyuba Zehl, Research Center Jülich
Stephen Van Hooser, Brandeis University
Mathew Abrams, INCF Secretariat

The aim of this Working Group is to develop a small, well-scoped ontology for describing electrophysiology stimulation parameters.
- Prototype visualization or validation/comparison tool (expected)
- so users can verify that the stimuli as stored in the file are as they intended
- for archives, so stimuli can be visualized when browsing datasets
- Draft proposal best practices for use of the ontology for archives (expected)
- Draft proposal for extension for parameterized 2D visual stimuli (expected)
- Electrophysiology Stimulation Ontology (draft version)
- Integrating the use of the 1D waveform ontology with NWB