INCF German Node Working Group
- Andrey Sobolev, LMU Munich
- Christian Garbers, LMU Munich
- Christian Kellner, LMU Munich
- Jan Grewe, LMU Munich
- Achilleas Koutsou, LMU Munich
- Michael Sonntag, LMU Munich
The INCF German Node (G-Node) provides various services and tools to facilitate data access, data management, and data sharing. Focusing on the development and free distribution of tools for handling and analyzing neurophysiological data. Learn more:
This Working Group is sponsored by the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program, a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development by pairing them to work with an open source organization on a programming project during their break from school. Membership to this working group is not limited to participants in the GSoC program. All interested parties are encouraged to participate.
Dipanjan Mukherjee, GSoC student, 2011
Lukasz Mokrzycki, GSoC student, 2012
Yasir Adnan, GSoC student, 2013
Shumail Mohy ud Din, GSoC student, 2014
Shubham Dighe, GSoC student, 2017
Mrinal Wahal, GSoc student, 2019

G-Node provides various services and tools to facilitate data access, data management, and data sharing. Services include the GIN repository with data management, versioning, and sharing tools, as well as tools for conference communications.
Data management tools and services
Conference Application
Neurophysiological data